
Well...long time

I know, it's been quite a long time since Geoff or I actually posted here. We've been busy with writing and various other things. Don't worry though, I'm back and here to talk. So basically, Destiny has been out for a month and a half now. We're currently in the first quarter hiatus. So before I talk about the new episodes, hows about I talk about the old ones? How do ya think that sounds?

Well "Providence" opened to some varried criticism. Some liked it, some didn't. There has been quite a bit of positive reactions to the episode, but also negative. The negative however is being taken into account as Geoff will be re-released "Providence" (I think) later on during the mid-season hiatus with new edits. "Friendly Fire" followed after. Reactions to this were not many, but good. This episode had some interesting impliciations for Hemmingway and was a nice stand alone episode.

"Behemoth", written by Adrian Curtis was quite a ride of an episode. Reader reaction to this has been amazing. Practically everyone who commented on this loved it. It is IMO the best episode of the first four (Five really). It has the smartest and definetly unpredicatable conclusion to the episode and was also a fantastic episode which showed this is also a ship based series so expect ship episodes.

My episode, "Treasure Trove" was the last to air. I have enjoyed reading the reactions to this, they mostly seem positive. But will we see the Faerek again? Who knows. Just be sure to keep reading.

We (Geoff, Adrian and myself) are all hard at work on our next set of episodes. I am currently somewhere near the end of the 3rd act of "The Farm" which is currently slated for 1x08. It's another dark episode which I am really enjoying writing. Look for another Tenyris/Morgami moment. Adrian is working on "Lost But Not Forgotten". I haven't read much, but from what I read of the outline, it's gonna be an interesting episode.

Geoff's current endevour has me foaming at the mouth. He is currently writing "I Think, Therefore...". It is looking to be his best episode and is a fantastic episode. I really can't wait to read this one in its entirety. Myself and Geoff will also be writing 1x09, "Pathogen", which is now being outlined.

We've also been having problems with the website. Bandwidth problems to be exact. Seems we have more viewers than I thought. Geoff will be upgrading our host soon so we'll have lots more bandwidth. Not only this, but I'll also be able to add new features to the website, including a Wikipedia. Yay.

We've been releasing concept art over the last couple of weeks as well. We've got some really cool artwork for the F308 and the Malecathi. Look for more when the website comes back online. Phil, our concept artist, should be hard at work on a Destiny one now. So look forward for some CG images soon.

Well I guess I'll move onto the personal stuff now. I just finished reading the Season 2 finale of Star Trek Frontiers. That was pretty dam awesome. Quite an amazing series with really awesome ideas. I've also been reading other Trek virtual series such as Discovery. It isn't as good as Frontiers, but it's only been out a couple of weeks and has 2 episodes out (3 if you count the pilot as 2). Don't fret though, I'm not an entire Trekkie, I've also been reading Gods. All these are worth checking out.

I'm just re-reading some Horizon while I wait for them to come back off of the mid-season hiatus. Why am I complaining? Being a fan since the start, I should be used to hiatus' by now. I certainly remember the murderous mid-season hiatus in Season 1, that almost killed my.

Well I think that's it for now. No, actually, I'm going for my college interview tomorrow. I'm applying for a media course, so I've gotta talk down some work of mine from Destiny. Wish me luck.

Until next time, Aaron Percival.


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